My Always-Up-to-Date VS Code Setup for Web Development

I鈥檝e gone through the setup and daily use of a number of editors over the years including most current popular ones for front end development (i.e. sublime, atom, and vs code) and for me VS code is the best choice for front end development at the moment. The team has put a lot of effort into making it a great javascript experience out of the box and it shows (VS code itself is written in typescript and the team uses vs code to build vs code) and with some additional work you can have the best experience while writing javascript....

June 29, 2019 路 updated March 22, 2023 路 3 min 路 Brandon Pugh

You Should be Using Git Hooks

In my opinion Git hooks are an incredibly useful yet under-utilized feature of git. There are lots of resources that go into hooks in detail but here I鈥檓 just going to list some of the ones I find myself using over and over again. prepare-commit-msg This hooks is great for templating your commit messages. This post does a great job of highlighting some powerful possibilities. I like to use it to automatically insert a ticket number from the current branch name....

May 1, 2019 路 2 min 路 Brandon Pugh

Use Netlify for a Poor Man's Self-Hosted Url Shortener

I recently migrated my blog from Github pages to Netlify and so far it鈥檚 been an awesome experience! Netlify gives you so much for free it almost feels like stealing! If you鈥檙e hosting some static content on github pages or S3 or somewhere, I highly recommend you check them out especially if you have a static gen build process. One of the cool features Netlify gives you is configuring 301 redirects using a simple _redirects file in the root of your site....

March 2, 2017 路 2 min 路 Brandon Pugh

Use npm with a proxy that requires authentication

It鈥檚 pretty easy to configure npm to connect through a proxy by setting the proxy and https-proxy config settings and you can even use npm config set which will store them in your .npmrc file. Connecting through a corporate proxy that requires authentication, however, can be a little trickier. To specify your credentials, you have to place them in the proxy url so your npm command would look something like this:...

June 17, 2016 路 2 min 路 Brandon Pugh

Avoid Committing Dumb Mistakes with Git hooks

TLDR: Git hooks are an awesome way to automatically verify your code as you commit your changes I鈥檓 sure we鈥檝e all been there where we accidentally committed a change that we were supposed to undo or wasn鈥檛 ready to be pushed and don鈥檛 realize it until the build breaks or QA finds a bug. The first step I take to avoid committing anything unintentionally is instead of just running git add -A I make sure to review all the changes in the files I鈥檓 potentially committing....

August 14, 2013 路 2 min 路 Brandon Pugh