Learn Git

Git seems to be emerging as one of the most popular version control systems especially for open source projects so it would make sense to become more proficient especially given my next goal.

Contribute to OSS

I really want to give back and contribute to an open source project. With so many on Github hopefully learning Git will make this less intimidating.

Learn a Javascript framework

With javascript becoming more and more popular for creating a rich client side experience, learning and using a javascript framework is practically a necessity. I’ll probably start looking at either Knockout.js or Backbone.js.

Attend an out of town conference

Hopefully one of the big ones like Codemash or That Conference.

Become more active on Twitter

Just seems like a great way to get involved in the development community.

Migrate blog to Octopress

I’ve been having annoying performance issues with my current Wordpress setup on on Godaddy and Octopress seems like a fun project to play with. Not to mention the hacker street cred…

Automate my dev environment setup

After having to setup a new machine recently I’ve decided my next would probably use some combination of Chocolatey and powershell to automate as much of the process as possible.

Learn a new programming language

This is probably constantly on every developer’s list but I’ve really been wanting learn Ruby or Python. A functional language would also be really fun to learn like F#