The Obligatory Octopress Post

I finally migrated my blog from Wordpress to Octopress and given all the blog posts I came across while getting it setup it seems almost like a rite of passage to blog about it once you’ve migrated. Why make the move?! For the hacker street cred of course. But seriously, I was growing really tired with the performance of Wordpress and dealing with shared hosting on Godaddy and my colleague suggested I give Octopress a try and so here I am....

January 24, 2013 · 1 min · Brandon Pugh

My development journal

After having just watched one Rob Conery’s excellent screencasts at Tekpub on going from Coder to Developer, I’ve finally decided to start my own blog. Rob suggested possibly making it something of a development journal if you’re learning a new language or technology and being relatively new to the industry and being a lead developer, it feels like I’m learning so much so fast. So this is my outlet for recording/sharing my experiences, knowledge, trials, triumphs, and mistakes with anyone who might find it interesting or useful....

October 6, 2011 · 1 min · Brandon Pugh