Add alt text to presentation slides

Today I learned that you can add alt text to images in PowerPoint and Google Slides by right-clicking on an image. It hadn’t occurred to me before but it makes sense that it would be as important as alt text for images on the web if you’re going to share your slides. Likewise, you should mark an image as “decorative” if you want a screen reader to ignore it. This post has some nice examples of how to write good alt text. ...

 · 1 min · Brandon Pugh

Display the week number in Google Calendar

Today I learned that you can configure both Google Calendar and Outlook to show the week number in the “month” view. You might find this handy for project/sprint planning — I’ve also been keeping weekly notes with the week number at the beginning of the filename.

 · 1 min · Brandon Pugh

Specify timestamp in Google Drive video URL

Today I learned that Google Drive uses the same video player as YouTube so if you want to link to a specific timestamp in a video you can append a URL parameter like t=<number of seconds>. So to share a link to a video and have it start playing at 10:44, the URL will look like /view?t=644. A colleague also pointed out that you don’t have to calculate the timestamp in seconds — the t parameter accepts a shorthand like so t=10m44s ...

 · 1 min · Brandon Pugh