Bittorrent Sync - File syncing for developers

Bittorrent sync is a new file sharing app released by Bittorrent Labs. People are saying its an alternative to popular file syncing services such as Dropbox, SkyDrive, etc. However I don’t currently see it as being a true replacement for these services but after playing with for the last few weeks I must say I’m impressed and I feel it does sport some cool features I’ve long wished for in a file syncing app....

June 16, 2013 · 3 min · Brandon Pugh

GhostDoc [Dev tool of the week]

Thought I would try to make it a thing where I post about a particular tool I’m using that makes life easier for me as a developer. GhostDoc is a cool little Visual Studio plugin that makes commenting your methods and properties much easier. With a keyboard shortcut or right clicking on a method name, GhostDoc will automatically generate xml documentation comments by intelligently looking at the method name and parameters:...

October 19, 2011 · 1 min · Brandon Pugh